Tipex Editor 0.0.7-fix-1

Tipex stands as an advanced rich text editor tailored for Svelte, meticulously engineered with the robust frameworks Tiptap and Prosemirror. It empowers developers to effortlessly craft rich text editors, liberating them from the intricacies of underlying technologies, style management, and related complexities.


Install the package from NPM.

npm install "@friendofsvelte/tipex";


Import the component and use it in your component.

<script lang="ts">
    import {Tipex} from '@friendofsvelte/tipex';
    let body = `<p>The initial html content.</p>`;

<!-- Shorthands to disable: !controls !floating !focal -->
<Tipex {body} controls floating focal
    style="margin-top: 1rem; margin-bottom: 0;" 
    class="h-[70vh] border border-neutral-200"/>

Quick short-hands

  • !controls: Disable the control buttons, or controls=false.
  • !floating: Disable the floating toolbar, or floating=false.
  • !focal: Disable the focal point, or focal=false.


Tipex comes with a default style. You can use it by importing the following CSS file inside the script tag.

import "@friendofsvelte/tipex/styles/Tipex.css";
import "@friendofsvelte/tipex/styles/ProseMirror.css";
import "@friendofsvelte/tipex/styles/Controls.css";
import "@friendofsvelte/tipex/styles/EditLink.css";
import "@friendofsvelte/tipex/styles/CodeBlock.css";

The import for @friendofsvelte/tipex/styles/ProseMirror.css is used to style content written in the editor. You can use your own style or use the default one. Or, remove any CSS you don't wanna use.


Tipex component accepts following props.

extensionsExtensions[]defaultExtensionsExtensions to be used in the editor.
floatingbooleanfalseDetermines display of default floating menu.
oncreatefunction() => {}Callback function when the editor is created.
ondestroyfunction() => {}Callback function when the editor is destroyed.
onupdatefunction() => {}Callback function when the editor is updated.
bodystring''HTML content to render.
thisTipTapN/AInstance of the editor.
classstring''Class to be applied to the editor.
stylestring''Style to be applied to the editor.
focalbooleantrueFocus outline when editing (blue ring).
controlsbooleanfalseDisplay the default controls.
ctxId${string}_tipex_tipexSets context ID to get editor instance via getContext.

Note: For better customization, please have a look at [Slot Props]

Accessing Editor Instance

You can access the editor instance via:

<Tipex body={htmlCotent} bind:tipex={editor} />

The editor instance is stored in a store. You can use it to access the editor instance from anywhere in your app.

Customizing Editor

Tipex is built taking into consideration the need for customization. We believe that a software lacking customization is a software lacking soul. Tipex provides an extensive set of options to customize the editor to your heart's content. From functionality, style, to key bindings, you can customize almost everything. Visit the customization page to learn more.


You can use the editor.commands API to interact with the editor. The API is compatible with the TipTap commands. Visit the commands page to learn more.

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